Book Reviews

When I was young, in primary school, I found it what a chore to write book reviews. I couldn't imagine how one day it's a joy to read and write for the books I read. What a joy it is to read the books I like and to share my thoughts by writing in my blog personal growth! 😀

Book Review for Personal Growth (1)

"Go Yogi!" is an interesting book, both for  and adults.

It has all the comic drawings to illustrate and teach kids how to do yoga. The book makes it so easy and engaging for one to practice yoga consistently (but I have yet to keep it my habit, I would need more effort and encouragement 😀 )

Hope you enjoy reading "Go Yogi" too! For your personal growth, cheers!

Book Review for Personal Growth (2)

"The Little Book Of Skin Care"

Excellent English and simple to understand instructions on how to choose and use the personal care products she recommended.

Though a Korean, Charlotte Cho is brought up in the US. Her jovial personality could be felt while reading the words in The Little Book Of Skin Care.
