Thursday Thanks

Thanks to your self love, reward yourself with some gifts for your Wednesday wins! 😃

Thanks to KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) for their hourly special! Thanks to the Universe for helping me play a game of guessing the correct timing to gain the rewards from KFC's hourly special.

I had actually wanted to have the 2 piece chicken meal that costs $9.85.  The first time when I went, it was right on the dot they flipped out the signage of hourly special for a 3 wing combo that costs only $5.90! I not only got one more additional piece of chicken, I got to save $3.95 too! 😁

So I played a guessing game yesterday and prayed for a hourly special again and I did it with the help of Universe and many blessings from kind friends! Thanks a lot! 😃

Note: Click on the image/s will bring you to an Amazon product page to see what's up 😊

Popcorn chicken from KFC is my favorite!!
