Wednesday Weight Management is about helping you to manage your weight using advanced safe and effective scientific findings and products.
In the quality control circumstances, 6S is the highest level reached. What is the 6S process?
The first is Selection. Materials to be used in the products must pass criteria for effectiveness, suitability for formulation and consumer safety.
Second is Sourcing. Scientists investigate potential sources that can guarantee availability, quality and concentration of key ingredients
Third is Specification. This is to set specifications to provide a basis for active components, ingredients and criteria for finished products. Helps establish ingredient standards and ensure standard manufacturing.
The forth process is Standardization. Products are formulated to contain ingredients at the concentration or strength shown to be effective.
Fifth is Safety. Safety testing include the presence of microbes, heavy metals, other contaminants and irritation or allergic reactions.
Sixth is Substantiation. Conduct documented clinical studies and research to ensure safety and effectiveness. This supports patents.
Only my master supplier conducts the 6S process and wins many awards, is one of the pioneers in healthcare industry.
Weight Management concerns guarantee of safety. Choose our product.
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